Thursday, March 16, 2017

hello from Jeremy

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Angela and I worked on the Safe Driving Module! I didn't think it was that difficult but it was a lot of book work. For the driving part on the computer was a little frustrating but the gas was the brake and the brake was the gas! i got a lot of new info on driving now!

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Carter and I did the construction module.It was fun and not very difficult. But some people might find it harder than I did because other people might not have as much experience as me at constuctioning things.

I did Lego Robotics with Matthew and we built three different robots, programming the first one was difficult because the way it showed in the book didn't work so we had to figure out a whole different way to get the robot to follow the black line on the mat. After we got that done we started to build another robot. This robot had big wheels and a different base so we couldn't put the light sensor on it, this one went a bit faster than the first I think. The third robot didn't really move around, but it was supposed to throw something, we got it to throw I biggish piece of Lego, it didn't really throw the Lego far. Once we finished building I gathered all of the photos and videos I took and made them all into one short video.
I did the electricity module... The electricity module is a little difficult at first but then it gets easier and fun, you get to make a house circuit.
i did the small gas engines module i thought it was fun except i hit my knuckles a lot
I did the small gas engine module. It had a mix of hands on activities and computer/writing activities. I had fun and learned tons of new things.

3D CAD Module

Sarah and I did the 3D CAD module. It was very fun. There was always something to do! I would definetely do it again.It gets kind of confusing at times, but just read the instructions over until you get it

        - Anna
hey this module was cool i liked it well what i seen anyway i wasnt really here for the last part of it cuz i was gone but what i did you was interesting!
Hayley and I did the Paint.Net module. In this module I learned how to crop pictures,use different effects, add text, make pictures pop out, and much more. Paint.Net was easy to get used to and kept us entertained the whole time.
Jeremy and I did the engineering module. We just learned as we went. My favourite part was building the bridge.
Cassidy and I did the module. This module was mostly learn-as-you-go, where you'd kind of learn the general idea of what we were supposed to do, then learn in more detail as you went. Overall, I enjoyed this module.
 I did the module. We learned different effects and ways of photoshop. Such as, cropping, text, photo effects, making pictures look like pop outs, etc. It was pretty easy to do and wasn't too boring.

Friday, March 3, 2017

i did the electricity may be a little confusing at first...but after you know the steps of how to build a circuit and stuff....its gonna get easier....i thought this module was fun and stuff 

hello from tonisha

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Welcome to BBT 2017